Wisconsin Equal Justice Fund is proud to support the efforts of Legal Action of Wisconsin, Judicare Legal Aid and Disability Rights Wisconsin. Unlike other nonprofits, these organizations do not collect any program fees, which leaves them with no internal resources to service their constituencies.
And that’s why your support of the Wisconsin Equal Justice Fund is so important. Your generous tax-deductible donation can allow them to continue and expand their work in helping Wisconsin citizens obtain the truth and justice they deserve.

Wisconsin Judicare provided legal services for 1,830 clients in 2020. To provide these services, they utilized the expertise of 23 paid staff attorneys, 3 volunteer attorneys, and 109 private attorneys and lay advocates.
In 2020, 81.6 percent of Disability Rights Wisconsin cases were resolved in their clients’ favor. They served 2,666 people with disability-related legal issues last year.
The number of cases Legal Action of Wisconsin had in 2020. Unfortunately, they had to decline nearly as many due to a lack of resources.
Disability Rights Wisconsin estimates that nearly 90 percent of grant funding it receives is restricted in some way. WEJF donations allow for the flexibility to address the dynamic and ever-changing needs of the organization’s clients.