Learn more about becoming a student representative on the WEJF Board of Directors – WEJF Law Student Board of Directors Position Announcement. Applications are due March 31 during the student’s second year of law school. Student Board positions run from June 1 through May 31 during and around the student’s final academic year of law school.
Below is information related to the past presentation on “Civil Legal Aid Information & Opportunities for Law Students” at the UW and Marquette law schools. Here is some information and links to help you learn more about volunteer and job opportunities for law students and graduates.
Follow the experiences of a few fictitious low-income individuals looking for legal assistance in the “Lost in the Law” simulation: https://law.marquette.edu/assets/community/misc/lost-in-the-law/index.html
Wisconsin Equal Justice Fund
- Raises private funds for Disability Rights, Judicare, and Legal Action to supplement their public funding.
- Many donors are lawyers and law firms from across the state.
- Social media –
Judicare Legal Aid
- Serves indigent and vulnerable the northern 33 Counties and 11 federally recognized Indian tribes of Wisconsin.
- Legal areas include family, housing, employment, benefits, bankruptcy, Indian Law, victim rights, and more.
- In addition to our staff attorneys, we work with volunteers and contract with private attorneys throughout our service area to pay the attorneys’ fees at a discounted rate so that the services are free to those in need in their communities.
- Social media –
- Job opportunities – http://www.judicare.org/Content/Career_Opportunities.cfm
Legal Action of Wisconsin
- Provides free civil legal aid to low-income people in the southern 39 counties of Wisconsin related to the following issues – background records, consumer law, crime victims rights, employment law, family law, farmworkers rights, homeownership, housing, licenses, welfare/public benefits, and more.
- Social media –
- Job opportunities – https://www.legalaction.org/careers
- Volunteer Registration Form – https://bit.ly/33E6hwl
Disability Rights Wisconsin
- A private non-profit organization that protects the rights of people with disabilities statewide. Our mission is to advance the dignity, equality, and self-determination of people with disabilities. We work to pursue justice on matters related to human and legal rights. DRW is completely independent of government and the disability service system in order to be free of any conflicts of interests which undermines our capacity to advocate vigorously on behalf of the human and legal rights of people with disabilities.
- Social media –
- Job opportunities – https://disabilityrightswi.org/careers/
State Bar of Wisconsin Pro Bono Resources
- Pro Bono Portal – volunteer opportunities across the state: https://probonowi.org
- More pro bono resources including sample pro bono policies for law firms, corporate legal departments, and government entities: https://www.wisbar.org/formembers/probono/pages/benefits.aspx
Additional Civil Legal Aid Providers in Wisconsin
- ABC for Health, Inc.: https://www.safetyweb.org/
- Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee: https://www.ccmke.org/Catholic-Charities.htm
- Catholic Charities of the Diocese of La Crosse, Inc.: https://cclse.org/
- Catholic Multicultural Center: https://cmcmadison.org/programs-services/immigration-legal-services/
- Center Against Sexual and Domestic Abuse (CASDA): https://casda.org/
- Centro Legal por Derechos Humanos: https://centrolegalwisconsin.org/
- Community Justice, Inc.: https://www.communityjusticeinc.org/
- Door County Legal Aid Society: https://www.dclegalaid.org/
- End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin – RISE Law Center: https://www.endabusewi.org/
- Golden House: https://www.goldenhousegb.org/
- HAVEN, INC. (Household Abuse Victim Emergency Network, Inc.): http://www.haveninc.org/
- Indianhead Community Action Agency: http://www.indianheadcaa.org/
- Kids Matter Inc.: https://kidsmatterinc.org/
- Legal Aid Society of Milwaukee: https://lasmilwaukee.com/
- LOTUS Legal Clinic, Inc.: https://www.lotuslegal.org/
- Metro Milwaukee Mediation Services, Inc.: http://mediatewisconsin.com/
- Portage County Legal Aid Society: https://pclas.org/
- Rainbow House Domestic Abuse Services: https://therainbowhouse.us/
- Vivent Health: https://viventhealth.org/
- The Women’s Center: https://twcwaukesha.org/
- Winnebago Conflict Resolution Center, Inc.: http://www.mediationwcrc.org/
- Women’s and Children’s Horizons: https://wchkenosha.org/